Kaal Bhairav Thin Wrist band/ Kair/ Kalava/ Dhaga / Bacelet/ Kasi Kayiru
This is famous Kashi Threads which is available in Kaal Bhairav Temple, Varanasi. It is made of tied colorful nylon thread. All the Devotees who come to this temple and do wear this Kalava / Kair in their hand.
This thread is also known as kasi thread/ Ujjain Dhaga/ Kaal Bhairav Bracelet/Kashi Kairu.
The Pandits inside the temple bless the devotees with Kaal Bhairavashtakam Mantra and give them the Kalava.
Benefits of Kaal Bhairava Wrist Band/Kashi Threads –
Abhimantrit Wrist Band or Kalava protects from Drishti badha(Evil Eye).
Its removes Grah Dosham.
It is also Prasadam of Kaal bhairav Temple.
Guidelines Of Wearing Kashi Kal Bhairav Kalava
This can be worn on any day. Tuesday and Sunday are consider better because these are the day of Baba Kaal Bhairava.
You can wear it all the time. No need to remove it.
There is no issue in eating Nonveg while wearing this Kalava / Kair.
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